My desire today is to introduce you to, and discuss the philosophy behind this movement, for both yourselves, and your family and friends. While you read/hear me tell you that you are being played, enticed into thinking, or feeling a different way than you would have normally, ultimately all streams of advertising follows a similar path. Manipulated with the psychological wizardry that has been programmed into every part of the social media feeds. What’s more frightening is that the potential to decide what you are going to look at next is (in some way) influenced by something, or someone else in a purposeful manner. They then focus advertisements and “misinformation” snippets during casual browsing of your feed, that then further support their desired narrative in many cases, encouraging individuals to trust their narrative as the authoritative truth. This fact alone has caused way more problems than just feeling bad about ones self, more about this in a few minutes, it has pitted neighbor against neighbor, across the globe, forcing a conflict between people’s who may have never met in real life.